lejlakristal - Coffee Reading and Love Compatibility
lejlakristal - Coffee Reading, Love Compatibility, Dream Dictionary in Puli. Who is Lejla Kristal? Lejla is a lady, who is born with a special talent. Since she was a young girl...
More »JoelBent - Dream Analysis and Sound Therapy
JoelBent - Dream Analysis, Sound Therapy, Love Horoscope in Puli. I'm Joel Bent a natural born gifted psychic to have this power and ability to heal you from any hurdles and pro...
More »TarotRamone - Beauty
TarotRamone - Beauty in Puli. On the major journey of spiritual awakenings and finding my life purpose 17 years of practice in Puli....
More »karael - Angel Communication and Tarot Cards
karael - Angel Communication, Tarot Cards, Clairvoyant in Puli. Dear friend. in general I work with tarot. clairvoyance. Oracles. NLP Topics. I am a Reiki Master. Therapies with ...
More »IamGuidance - Spiritual Guidance and Career And Work
IamGuidance - Spiritual Guidance, Career And Work, Past Life in Puli. ***Please Note: NO free readings in free chat! I am Certified Life Coach, Lvl. 5 Master Healer, Mentor, C...
More »TheLOT - Dance and Beauty
TheLOT - Dance, Beauty, Art in Puli. Tarot Astrology Psychic Medium. I use tarot over astrology to gain insights to energy, this gives me messages from Spirit through sight, sou...
More »GoldenDragon777 - Gipsy Cards and Family Issues
GoldenDragon777 - Gipsy Cards, Family Issues, Dream Analysis in Puli. 4.99/min - This channel is about you, and helping you find the support, certainty, and trust that you need....
More »Brietheintuit - Career And Work and Family Issues
Brietheintuit - Career And Work, Family Issues, Love Reading in Puli. Welcome love beams. I am claircognizant empathic tarot reader. I work with source, my guides as well as ance...
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